Buy Modawake online

Modawake - Hab Pharma Modafinil
Buy Modawake Now!


Modawake 200 mg

Quantity Price Price for pill BTC price
20 Pills
$ 40.00
$ 2.00 per pill
$ 32.00 / $ 1.60 per pill Pay with Bitcoins and get 20% price off
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50 Pills
$ 65.00
$ 1.30 per pill
$ 52.00 / $ 1.04 per pill Pay with Bitcoins and get 20% price off
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100 Pills
$ 80.00
$ 0.80 per pill
$ 64.00 / $ 0.64 per pill Pay with Bitcoins and get 20% price off
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200 Pills
$ 165.00
$ 0.82 per pill
$ 132.00 / $ 0.66 per pill Pay with Bitcoins and get 20% price off
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300 Pills
$ 225.00
$ 0.75 per pill
$ 180.00 / $ 0.60 per pill Pay with Bitcoins and get 20% price off
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600 Pills
$ 390.00
$ 0.65 per pill
$ 312.00 / $ 0.52 per pill Pay with Bitcoins and get 20% price off
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What is it?

Modawake 200 tablet is one of the newer modafinil brands manufactured by Hab Pharma, India. One of Hab Pharma distributors called Signature produces second popular modafinil brand called Modvigil. Thus Modawake and Modvigil are similar when reviewing the quality and effectiveness of the drugs. The cost of Modawake 200 is also similar to Modvigil price. Modawake is growing highest demand among customers from the USA, UK and Australia. The average half-life period of Modawake is approximately 15 hours, but the exact duration may vary from person to person based on their personal medical history and drug tolerance. On average, you can expect Modawake effects to last for around 12 hours, but you may find that they may take more or less time to wear off for you. Your experience with Modawake 200 depends on your daily dosage, your personal level of drug tolerance.

What is it for?

Modafinil so as Modawake is not a stimulant drug, so you cannot become addicted to it. All Modawake 200 mg does is promote wakefulness and alertness so that you can perform better throughout the day. You should not use Modvigil without a doctor's prescription if you have pre-existing conditions including: heart or circulatory system disorders; psychiatric conditions; liver damage or abnormal liver function; kidney damage or abnormal kidney function. Modvigil has some interactions with 522 drug active ingredients. Most such interactions are quite mild, but a decline in the effects of Modvigil or the medicines it interacts with is possible. Besides, the side effects of either the interacting medicine or Modvigil may become repetitive. It is not recommended to use Modvigil with other drugs concurrently without the advice of a GP. Modvigil interacts with oral contraception pills, reducing their effects. This interaction tends to last for several weeks even after withdrawal. Avoid using Modvigil in combination with alcohol.

What is the dose / packaging?

The standard dose of Modawake is 200mg per day. We personally recommend our store, NeoModafinil where we offer one of the best price offers for Modawake 200. We offer various payment options and you can buy Modawake using Credit card, E-check and Bitcoin. If you are confident that you want to buy Modawake online, make sure the pharmacy meets the following criteria: there is a licensed pharmacist or pharmacy technician who can answer your questions online and help you fill your prescription; its website contains all the necessary contact details so that customers can get in touch with the pharmacy 24/7; the website age must be 1+ years min; Before buying it is recommended to googling the reviews buy using the following search keys "pharmacy name + review" "pharmacy name + scam"