What is it?
Modaheal 200 is one of the brand names of the substance called modafinil. At the moment, Modafinil hasn't been officially approved by the FDA to treat ADHD. The research has been conducted to figure the way the drug influences the brain and how much of a smart drug it actually is. Researchers have not yet discovered the exact way the medication works, but it has been established that Modafinil boosts the levels of histamine to deal with sleep disorders. Histamine is a hormone in the human body responsible for the waking and sleeping cycle and it also keeps a person awake during the day. In addition to that, specialists are aware that Modafinil (Modaheal) inhibits the action of a dopamine transporter. When it comes to dopamine, it is a neurotransmitter that is associated with motivation and focus. Such influence of the drug leads to the increased levels of dopamine in neurons. It has been found that the levels of dopamine continued to remain normal even after the influence of Modafinil stopped.